Inilah keadaan umah mertua aku sebelum tetamu dtg.Mak mertua aku bersusah2 asingkan masak makanan tuk aku n asben.
Mungkin xkan ade org percaya betapa mak mertua aku sgt memahami aku dn asben.
Semalam mak mertua aku ngan adek ipar aku,Jane & May p kundasang bawa family dr S'pore g bermalam kat situ. Pagi jam 10 cam tu derang sampai kat umah. Singgah hantar sayur yg derang beli kat kundasang. Aku tanya mak mertua aku yg dia nk g mana? Katanya nk beli barang skit wat persediaan makan nnt. Dia minta aku sediakan apa yg patut la.
Sbb permintaan,aku masak rendang daging. x byk.. tp abes sebelum tiba mkn mlm. Adek ipar aku, Jane. Marah sgt sbb aunty dr S'pore tu abeskan rendang tu. [hihihihi]
Balik jm 4,aku nmpk mak mertua aku beli kuali. Aikss.. heran aku memula.
Pastu mak mertua aku kata,dia nk masak tuk kami gak. Terharu aku weiiii..
Sbb x nk menyusahkan mak mertua aku,aku x suh dia masak byk2. Cukuplah dua hidangan ni.Dari pagi td.. asben aku dok siapkan kek keju,pau tausa,butter cake,steam cake dan puding agar2. Lastly baru aku wat air buah n cincau sbb mak mertua aku paling suka minum air buah.
Ada lebih dr sepuluh jenis masakan yg mak mertua aku masak. Tp aku x leh nk amek pic tu. Hihihihi.. paham2 je lah.
Aku x lah join derang borak2. Lepas family dr S'pore tu tgk album kawen aku,aku dpt 'angpau'. And derang wish aku n asben bahagia.
Mmg susah kita nk tgk chinese family merestui dn menerima anak anuti agama lain.
Tapi family asben aku.. mmg sangat memahami.
That's why .. aku x penah membantah kalau mak mertua aku minta aku wat seswatu terutamanya memasak. [aku malas masak]
Tinggalkan JejaKmu~
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Family Dinner Moon Cake Festive
Posted by nucy_loves at 10:14:00 PM
Labels: Me
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SMILE mY Frends~
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right.
Pray for the ones who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,they just promised it would be worth it.
Realize that true happiness lies within you.
Waste no time and effort searching for peace,contentment and joy.
In the world outside.
Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting.
But only in giving.
Reach out.
Happiness is a perfume that you cannot pour on others
Without getting a few drops on yourself.
So ..
Keep Smiling
It makes the world so beautiful.
So love the people who treat you right.
Pray for the ones who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,they just promised it would be worth it.
Realize that true happiness lies within you.
Waste no time and effort searching for peace,contentment and joy.
In the world outside.
Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting.
But only in giving.
Reach out.
Happiness is a perfume that you cannot pour on others
Without getting a few drops on yourself.
So ..
Keep Smiling
It makes the world so beautiful.
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