Hari ni aku cam besalah bangun lambat... 9 pg baru bgn. Huahha~
Maid x dtg ari ni.. so aku cuci baju.
Then tgk 'kartun' ... asben aku masak megI.. and bermain ngan si GARFIELD yg pemalas ni..
Penangan makan megi.. aku sakit perut!
Aku mmg alergik makan megi pagi2 ni.. x sporting langsung punya perut.
Sambil2 aku layan cartoon ... citer spongebob ... aku dok la tunggu masa nk masok umah kecik.
Jam 12lebih... asben aku suh aku bersiap~
Tak tahulah nk g mana? Aku malas nk kuar ni sbb aku nk on9 la.. rindu nk masok blog SABUN.
Rindu ngan SABUNians~
Siap punya siap2... dkat jam 1lebih baru aku SIAP. Muahhaha~
on da way tu aku tanya lah nk g mana? Dia tu cam besa.. x kan jawab nyer.
Dia cuma cakap 'g makan'.. so aku malaslah nk tanya lagi.
Destinasinya adalah KARAMUNSING Complex. Then kedai SONY.
Wah! saprise ke??
Hahahaha ~ aku dh dpt teka!
Impian jadi kenyataan..
Tgk ni ...I'll get it on wednesday.. besh giler.. aku rasa macam nk peluk je asben aku kat situ.
Aku akan dpt laptop SONY VIAO idaman hati utk berapa lama? ha~ha
Warna pink... i luvvvvvvvvv it so much. Laptop lama??? nk jual kot. kalau x de nk beli pun. Simpan jew wat reta karon. wakkaka~Pastu g Centre point.. makan eskrem mcD.
Then g 1Borneo.. masok kedai toy 'R' us ... tgk koleksi baru barbie..Today .. i'm totally hepi.. sgt2 hepi okeyy..
Tinggalkan JejaKmu~
Sunday, November 9, 2008
The BEST sunday EVER!
Posted by nucy_loves at 10:40:00 PM
Labels: Me
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SMILE mY Frends~
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right.
Pray for the ones who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,they just promised it would be worth it.
Realize that true happiness lies within you.
Waste no time and effort searching for peace,contentment and joy.
In the world outside.
Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting.
But only in giving.
Reach out.
Happiness is a perfume that you cannot pour on others
Without getting a few drops on yourself.
So ..
Keep Smiling
It makes the world so beautiful.
So love the people who treat you right.
Pray for the ones who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,they just promised it would be worth it.
Realize that true happiness lies within you.
Waste no time and effort searching for peace,contentment and joy.
In the world outside.
Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting.
But only in giving.
Reach out.
Happiness is a perfume that you cannot pour on others
Without getting a few drops on yourself.
So ..
Keep Smiling
It makes the world so beautiful.
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