Hari ni aku bangun awal.. maid x dtg lagi dah. Tah la ape masalahnya?
Nampaknya kenalah aku basuh baju sendiri.
Muahhaha... x pela.. bukan aku x reti buat. MALAS je lebih.
Pepagi tu asben aku kata nk g ZOO. Tp x de plak?
Plan nk men boling x jadi. Aku pon x tau nk wat pe? Asben aku tu susah bebeno nk di ajak men boling. Tahlah kenapa??
Dah lama aku x men boling... tah2 aku dh x reti cemana nk baling bola tu..
Jam 1.41 petang. Kami g karamunsing. G kedai komputer jap. Asben aku jumpa GENG dia.
Muahhaha geng ke?? x de lah.. [gurau je]
Siap bincang2 pun dh jam 3 lebih,perut aku dh lapo tu..
Makan kat 1Borneo,then stay kat STARBUCKS .. selalu kalau nk stay kat warisan @ CP.
Nilah pes taim... dok c2..
"SWANCAT" geng SABUN ku ... sodap tau... [muahhaha]
Tiramisu cake~
Ok ni plak ... pose malas.. Layan je karenah asben aku suh posing balik2.. [muahhaha]
Dia ingat aku ni model ke??Ingat nk berlama2 kat c2.. tapi laptop aku dh kehabisan bateri.. lupa suda bawa charger ..
Menyempat gak cet kat blog SABUN.
walaupun aku x dpt nk men boling.. x pelah.. hope next time bleh la g kan... hihihi..
Tinggalkan JejaKmu~
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday Hang Out~
Posted by nucy_loves at 3:46:00 PM
Labels: Me
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SMILE mY Frends~
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right.
Pray for the ones who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,they just promised it would be worth it.
Realize that true happiness lies within you.
Waste no time and effort searching for peace,contentment and joy.
In the world outside.
Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting.
But only in giving.
Reach out.
Happiness is a perfume that you cannot pour on others
Without getting a few drops on yourself.
So ..
Keep Smiling
It makes the world so beautiful.
So love the people who treat you right.
Pray for the ones who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,they just promised it would be worth it.
Realize that true happiness lies within you.
Waste no time and effort searching for peace,contentment and joy.
In the world outside.
Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting.
But only in giving.
Reach out.
Happiness is a perfume that you cannot pour on others
Without getting a few drops on yourself.
So ..
Keep Smiling
It makes the world so beautiful.
Amboiiiiiiiiiii... siap posing ngan kek tu..sampai ati ko ..uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
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