Mawar purple dh jadi pink...
Mawar ni warna purple masa aku memule beli kat AGRO NURSERY d kundasang 4 thn lalu. Masa tu masih bercintan - cintun ngan asben. Sbbkn aku x reti nk jaga.. asben aku bg kat mak dia. So,till now.. bunga mawar tu hidup. Dari apartment aku dulu .. n sekarang kat halaman umah mertua aku. Ni lah.. lambang kasih sayang asben dan ibu mertuaku,yg x pernah sekalipun sakiti hati aku.Pic ni aku amek masa aku nk p kerja pg tadi. Bunga ni wangi tau ..
Pagi ni ada call dari bos aku,kira cam bos paling beso la. Katanya 'outstation'.. Wah! senyum lebo aku. 'kucing x de tikus be'pesta la.. wakakakka.
Tapi itu semuanya hanya penipuan semata-mata. Memang bos x de,tapi aku lak yg kena be'korban p wat deal lak ngan muke2 yg cerewet tahap 'GABAN' tu.. adeiii..
Aku pon x faham lah... benda yg kecik n senang pon leh jadik susah. Aku dh longgar mulut nk terangkn satu persatu sal benda tu,tapi x taulah apa yg menyakitkan mata meka.
Aku biarkan meka,kalau meka tanya aku tanya aku diam. Wat abes ayor liuq je..
Hampir masa makan,aku ingat leh la excuse g makan. Tp meka2 yg 'unta' ni kata pasni ade meeting. "Wei! itu korang nyer pasal. Aku nk makan ni..perut dh menyanyi.." itu yg aku nk cakap aku x berani. Wawawawawa..
X kesahlh,dlm tunggu meka2 ni berbincang yg x tentu ujungnya,sempat gak aku be'porem sbb ade citer hangat.
Pas2 aku balik ofis. Still sebuk. Bos x da patutnya pekerja 'free' tp aku x free.. aku sediiii...
Td PT(personal Trainer) aku call. Walter,dh bising psal aku x datang GIM. Aku kata sebuk dia kata.. dah lama la aku sebuk aje.. sebuk ke aku? wakkakakakka.. sebuk porem.
Pic ni aku amek time nk p GIM.Dpn Umah masa ni...Yg ni kt City Mall .. Pose jap.
Yg ni depan GIM = Y Fitness Centre
Pic yg aku kutip semasa nk masok GIM. Nilah suasananya... curi2 amek..coz x d benarkn.Tgh tunggu nk timbang berat.. baper KG ek?
Dok kat sini lah tunggu..
Dah abes timbang.. 58kg je.. kena down lagi 3kg.. Huhuhuhu... Pic atas 2 tgh amek tuala kat loker. D18 ni...
Yg ni dlm bilik persalinan. Dh siap mandi nk pulang. Penat oke.
Tinggalkan JejaKmu~
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Kusangka khabar gembira upenya x...
Posted by nucy_loves at 9:55:00 PM
Labels: Me
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SMILE mY Frends~
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right.
Pray for the ones who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,they just promised it would be worth it.
Realize that true happiness lies within you.
Waste no time and effort searching for peace,contentment and joy.
In the world outside.
Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting.
But only in giving.
Reach out.
Happiness is a perfume that you cannot pour on others
Without getting a few drops on yourself.
So ..
Keep Smiling
It makes the world so beautiful.
So love the people who treat you right.
Pray for the ones who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,they just promised it would be worth it.
Realize that true happiness lies within you.
Waste no time and effort searching for peace,contentment and joy.
In the world outside.
Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting.
But only in giving.
Reach out.
Happiness is a perfume that you cannot pour on others
Without getting a few drops on yourself.
So ..
Keep Smiling
It makes the world so beautiful.
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