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Friday, August 8, 2008

No Idea?

Hari ni aku wat keja kat luar,demi Angie tersayang..
Kalau ikotkan hati tak nak sebenarnya. Buang masa nk melayan org mengong 'demand' nk mampos. What's ur opinion they'll never accepted! What u r doing there, is watching and say yes. Aku x lah pndai sangat tp x gak 'ngok' sangat. I've my own way how to deal in bussiness.
Padan dgn muke pompuan 2,aku peduli apa asben ko GM. Pigirah!!! I don't care oke...
If u don't want.. say it in a very short sentence ... jgn nk panjangkan plak... nak itulah inilah.. bla..bla..bla... Korang nk tau..pompuan ni hisssshhh... hampeeessss tol! Aku bkn jeles dia bersuamikan mat saleh tu... yg aku x tahan.. siap kissing depan kita yg tgh bincang2.
Lantak ko lah.. aku pon x eran! Tapi pandai2lah .. nk kiss ke..piss ke... ciss ke.. apa je lah...
tgk tempatlah wei!Kenalah professional sket... seb bek bos aku pon x mo wat bisness tu..
Fuh! bikin rugi jalan aje.. dh lah panas nk mampos kat luar 2.

Sory naik lori,x de masa aku nk layan.
So..kira2 jam 3 cam 2... balik ofis lah... x de wat pe.. cuma buka invois nk hantar order ''Hyatt Regency Hotel''... Pas2... on9.

Alamak! umah bahagia mendap!!!!
So outlah...n do something..(rahsia) saprise 4 SABUNians...
4.30 p.m pulang umah. Singgah p 1Borneo makan dulu.. pas2 tgk wayang ROGUE. citer boya!
Adeess! besaw nyer boya... ada part aku tol2 x leh tgk.

Saspen giler... menakotkan... 4 this movie.. i give 4/5.. pendpt akulh... x taulah korang...

Tadi sempat gk tgk kat Center Hall mcm ade event.. tgk2..owh... LINDA NANUWIL wat launching album dia esok... ni lah yg sempat aku capture.
Aku kat atas... tgk ke bawah jew... malas nk turun.


SMILE mY Frends~

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right.
Pray for the ones who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,they just promised it would be worth it.

Realize that true happiness lies within you.
Waste no time and effort searching for peace,contentment and joy.
In the world outside.
Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting.
But only in giving.

Reach out.

Happiness is a perfume that you cannot pour on others
Without getting a few drops on yourself.

So ..

Keep Smiling
It makes the world so beautiful.

SABUN Cap Angsa ~ I book earlier dh~

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